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ProduitsPartitions pour guitareGuitare seuleMélancolie, opus 241

Mélancolie, opus 241

Mélancolie, opus 241

Compositeur: KLEYNJANS Francis

DZ 1081


ISBN: 978-2-89500-967-2

Guitare seule

4 p.


This piece has restored my faith in the French composer Francis Kleynjans. With Mélancolie we find the composer back to form in what he does best, which is writing charming and lyrical melodies floating around nice harmonies.
As one would conclude from the title, this is not «party-time«; rather it is a delightfully poignant composition which manages not to stray into any «maudlin« areas (so easy to do with this style) and which has the melodic line climbing up to the higher regions of the fingerboard and back again without too many technical difficulties along the way, certainly nothing to overstretch a good Intermediate player.
A very alluring and enchanting new work which, at just over a minute in length, never outstays its welcome.
Steve Marsh (Classical Guitar)

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