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ProduitsPartitions pour guitareMusique de chambre avec guitareValse brillante (CD inclus)

Valse brillante (CD inclus)
  • MP3

Valse brillante (CD inclus)

Compositeur: IANNARELLI Simone

DZ 999


ISBN: 978-2-89500-885-9

Guitare et quatuor à cordes

12 p. + parties séparées


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Enregistré par Morgan Szymanski et le Quatuor Sacconi

Valse Brillante is a charming little work paying homage to the great Paraguayan guitarist composer, Agustin Barrios. Like most of the music of Barrios, this composition has a very pleasing melody line, one which is shared between the soloist and the other players; the technical requirements to play this work is also on a par with the standard required to perform most of the Paraguayan's works, i.e. rather high. There are shades in the harmony of this composition of Iannarelli's fellow compatriot, Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco, who could also knock out a good tune when required, and this, coupled with the attractive melody line, makes this work a good option for inclusion in any formal recital.
At only just under three-and-a half minutes in length, this work needs to be programmed well, but is well worth considering.
The edition comes with a recording of the work by the dedicatees Morgan Szymanski and the Sacconi Quartet who are not acknowledged in the album, I had to get this information from the Internet.
As well as the CD there is a full score and separate parts for each player.
Steve Marsh (Classical Guitar Magazine)

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