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ProduitsPartitions pour guitareGuitare seulePreludio, Baiser

Preludio, Baiser
  • 01

  • 02

Preludio, Baiser

Compositeur: BORISLOVA Nadia

DZ 973


ISBN: 978-2-89500-859-0

Guitare seule

4 p.


Over the past year or so Les Productions d'Oz have changed their image with beautiful individually designed covers (done mainly by the splendid Corina Sierk) and their typesetting has always been quite easily readable. The Preludio is in A minor and after a quiet and calm brief opening statement in harmonies (which also concludes this piece), we are into what is in effect, a perpetual motion style composition, toccata-like, with flowing arpeggios and scales exploring the fingerboard.
The second piece, Baiser, has the unusual tuning of 6th string to D sharp. This is a slow, atmospheric work, quite tricky to pull-off a convincing performance but well worth the effort. Of the two, this is the one which leaves the best lasting impression.
Both pieces are well worth investigating for the more advanced student seeking new modern repertoire.
Steve Marsh (Classical Guitar Magazine)

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