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ProduitsPartitions pour guitare3 guitaresSuite des Maramures

Suite des Maramures
  • I

  • II

  • III

  • IV

  • V

  • VI

Suite des Maramures

Compositeur: ANDREI Adrian

DZ 919


ISBN: 2-89500-814-0

3 guitares

12 p. + parties séparées


Maramures (pronounced maramoorish) is located in north-western Romania, a region which still retains its own distinctive traditional songs and dances. The six movements of this suite are based upon some of this tradition; three of them are dances which are dedicated to any young bride starting a new life; three are peasant's folksongs.
The music ranges from very optimistically strong, exciting rhythmical patterns through to the slow and melancholy with shades, here and there of some of the more celebrated Bartok arrangements. None of the movements outstay their welcome and this complete set would be well worth consideration from any guitar trio of around Intermediate standard.
The presentation is excellent, with full score and separate parts for each player. Once again a delightful painting, courtesy of the Swiss artist Corina Sierk, graces the front coyer of this new edition from Les Productions D'Oz, making it a very attractive proposition.
Steve Marsh (Classical Guitar Magazine)

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